Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to log activities?

Logging activities are important for recording interactions and measuring outcomes

Log an activity is an action that allows you to record the details of key interactions in your outreach activities. By logging your activities, you can provide context as to what happened during the conversation, keep track of the outcomes with the customer, and take notes on next steps.

A few examples of when you would log an activity:

Booked a meeting

You send a text to a customer as part of a campaign. They respond positively and want to book a time to meet with you. Success! You log the activity with the appropriate details as a booked meeting with the scheduled time and date to add to your calendar.

Customer is not interested at the moment

You send a text to a customer as part of a campaign. Unfortunately they are not interested right now. That’s okay! You log the activity with the appropriate details with a note to follow-up in the future.

It’s good practice to log an activity right away so you don’t forget to do it later on. Each activity you log can be found in the customer’s Timeline on the right-hand side for you to refer to anytime.

See this article for how to log an activity.

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