Best Practices

Keeping your team accountable (for Managers)

Our suggestions on how to keep your team accountable for results

Here are some tips and best practices to keep your team accountable in TextKit: 

Build TextKit in their daily routine

Allow your team members to carve out time in their daily schedules to use TextKit! TextKit will only be an effective customer engagement tool if your team is using it on a regular basis, so encourage your team to make time for it. 

Is your team trained on using TextKit?

It’s extremely important that your team members are well-versed with how the platform works in order for them to optimize results. We’ve created knowledge articles, videos, and self-training series to help your team get up to speed! 

Does your team understand the value of TextKit?

Do your team members understand why they are using TextKit? It’s critical for users to fully understand the benefits of the platform in order for them to use it regularly and effectively. Make sure to highlight positive results to illustrate the value that TextKit can bring to the individual and business. You may also want to check out this article about introducing your team to TextKit

Stay on top of team reporting

Leverage in-app reporting metrics and external reporting (if available) to see how your team is performing on TextKit. Key metrics such as messages sent, outreach attempts, response rates, conversion rates, campaign completion rates etc. provide you with a holistic view of how your team is using (or not using) the platform. These metrics will also give you insights to who on your team may require extra coaching. 

Celebrate wins and learn from losses

Regardless of what success may look like in your business, make sure to highlight the wins amongst your team to reinforce the value of TextKit! By speaking to major wins, you may inspire other team members to use TextKit more effectively. On the other hand, losses should also be examined closely and the appropriate coaching should be provided (e.g. reviewing a conversation with a team member to determine what they could have said differently that could have led a customer to renew their membership).

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