Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use a Message Template?

Save time and effort with Message Templates!

A Message Template is a standardized, pre-drafted message that contains both fixed text and editable fields. You can easily personalize a message by filling in the editable fields with the specific information pertaining to you or your contact (i.e. your name, your store location, product name). The fixed text is meant to save you time as there's no need to retype the same message to every contact, but it also helps you to start the conversation off right.

In the example below, you would be required to select the Message Template you wish to use and edit the text highlighted in yellow before you can send off this message.

Your company’s administrator sets up these Message Templates when creating Campaigns in your CRM or sales/marketing system, and you must use it (or one of the options available) in order to start a new conversation with a contact. You will be prompted to select and fill out the editable fields in a Message Template when you click on a contact's name to start a new conversation.

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